Shortage in supply happens by several dynamics.
1) Depletion of raw materials or technological limitation to extract them.
2) Manufacturing and/or transportation issues in delivery of materials or final product due to strikes, natural disasters, political instability, or pandemics
3) Corporate decision to drop production of lower-revenue generating products or monopolized pricing of in-demand products, as a way of increasing profit margins. Examples of such fabricated shortages can be found in recent headlines about orphaned drugs for rare diseases, insulin, and epi-pens.
4) Hoarding via governing mandates, trade policies, or patent archiving have created localized famines, deprivation, and prevented technological advancements meant to replace aging structural constructs impinging any of the reasons that supply is under stress. I am citing: Ireland's potato famine; Russia preventing flow of fuel to select nations. GM buying patents to alternate-engine automobiles decades and decades ago, DTE lobbying (successfully) to cap the percentage of houselholds in Michigan that are allowed to have solar and still be part of the grid AND if you are part of the grid Michigan utilities have legally prevented these households from tapping into their own solar generated power during DTE (and the rest of the utility companies) outages.
Corporations hide their own obsolence, because their own infrastructure from labor, through manufacturing to retail is fully dependent upon the old and they did not set aside the capital to recreate themselves with the new technology.
Here is the ROOT CAUSE OF OUR ECONOMIC WOES — corporations exist through financial reporting cycles by holding onto the breadth and depth of their control. Further, in a global economy operating at the speed of current technology with the ability to create its own reality via politcal power brokering and AI, corporations have become defacto sovereign entities unto themselves without limitations. This is capitalism gone dysfunctional.
If people cannot scream falsely, “Fire!” in a crowded movie theater nor swing their own arms about them in a crowd — then it is also proper to put guardrails on corporations and sever their influencing associations (all electorial money, lobbying, etc) from governance. This would set the field level between People and corporations, so that capitalism could frame a picture of functional economics.