If you are Anishinaabeh or an ally, the Anishinaabek Caucus of the Michigan Democratic Party holds MMIW as one of their issues.

Here are a few things I learned when I researched this topic on their behalf a handful of years ago.

1) Canada has studied this the USA refuses to, so reading Canadian material will reveal what you cannot find in the United States. such as:

2) MMIW is correllated with pipeline sites. This infrastructure brings in a number of men who are otherwise not associated. Further, these men arrive without family or other attachments outside of camp life.

...so when the "black snake" is maligned it is about the oil and the water and lands it pollutes, but it is also about the women and children who are targeted. #MMIW

Lisa Patrell, https://linktr.ee/dellaureo
Lisa Patrell, https://linktr.ee/dellaureo

Written by Lisa Patrell, https://linktr.ee/dellaureo

I am too old to be new, but not so worn that I cannot regard life anew in poetry. Other hours I hold space for people transforming & do things for our planet.

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