
Highly recommend you find a local La Leche League. LLL provides information and support where ones own experiences are valued.

As a former LLL leader, some key information is needed.

1) the mechanics of getting milk from a bottle (sucking) is very different than getting milk from the breast (pumping). Most babes cannot learn both or switch back and forth.

2) infants need to eat about 20x everyday at a young age. The frequency decreases over time as the capacity of the stomach increases with the age of the babe. (Ever wonder why bottlefed fed spit up such volumes? They may have been overfed-forcefed and their stomach's cannot manage the volume. You cannot forcefeed at the breast, as it is a baby led experience.)

Most chapters of book lending libraries.

Many chapters have "family' meetings periodically. Otherwise, most meetings are for Moms and children (live breastfeeding happens--so you can understand not wanting to have somebody else's husband present).



Lisa Patrell, https://linktr.ee/dellaureo
Lisa Patrell, https://linktr.ee/dellaureo

Written by Lisa Patrell, https://linktr.ee/dellaureo

I am too old to be new, but not so worn that I cannot regard life anew in poetry. Other hours I hold space for people transforming & do things for our planet.

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