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your 2025 resolution co-pilot
One of my favorite coaching tools is future-self. Future-self is very much like the visual avatars we create to represent ourselves. Both reflect something good within us.
January is wrapping-up, so it is a good time to assess how intact your 2025 resolution is. If there is wobble-y-ness or slop, adding a future-self can stabilize and support your ability to follow through.
Creating a future-self usually begins with a textual description. Envision your best self in a particular situation at a defined point in the future. To repeat, the 3 aspects are: favorable description of self, specific scenario, future time frame.
Time — When it comes to new year resolutions, mark the future date as day in December. I am using the December 17. What is your December date?
Place — The scenario is determined by the resolution. For example, if your resolution was diet, the scenario may be mealtime or meal prep. If you resolution was around exercise, the scenario may be at the gym, home from the gym, or going to the gym. If it was career advancement, the scenario may be a specific job or advance training. If your resolution concerned relationships, the scenario could be a particular kind of engagement or time spent with a particular person. What is your scenario?